Friday, December 25, 2009

A Christmas Gem

This is one of my Christmas favorites, from
the 1959 cantata Hodie by Ralph Vaughan
Williams. Here's the text (the first verse is
anonymous; the second is by the composer's
wife, Ursula Wood Vaughan Williams):

No sad thought his soul affright
Sleep it is that
maketh night;’

Let no murmur nor rude wind

To his slumbers prove unkind:

But a quire of angels make

His dreams of heaven, and let him wake

To as many joys as can

In this world befall a man.

Promise fills the sky with light,
Stars and angels dance in flight;
Joy of heaven shall now unbind
Chains of evil from mankind,
Love and joy their power shall break,
And for a new born prince’s sake;
Never since the world began
Such a light such dark did span.

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